Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Romantic Nothings

Valentine's day has come and gone and now its the first week of March. I can't say that this one was unforgettable. I did get a rose that is preserved in 24k gold, which is sweet because we have this unsaid rule that if he brings me flowers I should ask him what he's done.. so a 24k rose is different than a typical flower, it doesn't die. But that came to me in the afternoon, and that night was a typical night... nothing spectacular to really note about. Dont get me wrong the rose was really sweet but I guess I'm just a sap, wishing for a bit more romantic zing. I guess after three years of marriage romance kind of goes out the window.
I guess I'm a hopeless though when it comes to romance, thinking back to my first valentines day where I actually spent it with a boy, he brought me to an art show. It was rather fantastic. Then Matt and I's first valentines day married. He tried to take me to Niagara Falls...in February. That turned out to be an adventure, and a story in and of itself. But now I'm missing the romance.
The truth of the matter is, its not just about the Valentine's day romances. Its the every day romances. Because not every girl will admit it, but we do really want the guy in the movies. We want to be swept off our feet, whether it's the first date or the 20th anniversary. We want to feel special. Something seems to happen to relationships after a while of being together, that fire fades and next thing you know you're legs haven't been shaved for two weeks because there seems to be no point if you're wearing long pants....
So guys, if you're reading this take a mental note: Work on keeping that spark alive!!! Instead of sending the random reminder texts about dinner or something, send her a random 'I love you'. and Girls, you can do the same, work to keep the spark alive...shave those legs! You never know, it could really help a relationship that seems to be nothing but arguments turn back into that fire.

Later days, Later times, and Many adventures ahead!

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